Implementing an Input Toolbar in Flutter

This post is about implementing an input toolbar to add images to a post, just like how it works in Twitter, Whatsapp, or other apps. I'm writing this quick post for one of my teammates at Upcarta. I will be brief and won't go into many details.

Here is our view. We wrap the view itself and the input toolbar with a Column.

return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Ticket #${ticket.ticketId}'),
        actions: [
      body: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
          _View(ticket: ticket).expand(),
          // The input toolbar and button
          _TextingKeyboard(ticket: ticket),

Here is what the input toolbar looks like. I've omitted a lot of it for the sake of simplicity. You should adjust the paddings, etc. for yourself. One difficulty I had was adjusting the paddings and the sizes of the input toolbar widgets. One good option could be turning this whole view into a reusable compontent.

Note that I use my own widget extensions instead of Padding, Flexible and Expanded widgets. I think they keep the widget tree cleaner. But they are nothing special.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SafeArea(
      minimum: const EdgeInsets.only(
        bottom: kVerticalPaddingSmall,
        left: kHorizontalPaddingSmall,
        right: kHorizontalPaddingSmall,
      child: Row(
        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end,
        children: <Widget>[
            constraints: const BoxConstraints(
              minHeight: 36,
            child: TextField(...),
          const SizedBox(width: 4),
          // Button
            dimension: 36,
            child: IconButton.filled(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kVerticalPaddingSmall),
              onPressed: () {...},
              icon: const Icon(
                size: 20,
                color: AppColors.white,
      ).padding(top: kVerticalPaddingSmall),

We are not done yet. The _View, which is the widget that actually shows the view itself should be wrapped into a SingleChildScrollView or some other scrollable. This is necessary because we want to have the keyboard take up space in the screen, limiting the size of the view, and turning it into a scrollable widget where it sits. Here is what I went with:

return SingleChildScrollView(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 56),
      keyboardDismissBehavior: ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.onDrag,
      child: Column(